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Pulsed Lasers and Laser Applications
2005 (7)
» Participant Organizations
VII International Conference "Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers"
September 12-16, 2005, Tomsk, Russia
Participant Organizations
Frascati Research Center ENEA , Rome, Italy
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
RC & CD, BARC, Mumbai, India
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
TuiLaser AG, Munich, Germany
. (Number of presented reports: 3)
Belarussian National Technical University, Minsk, Belarus
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
ENSTA - LOA, Palaiseau, France
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Harvard University, Cambridge, USA
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
State Research Laser Center "Raduga", Raduzhnyy, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 2)
State Medical Academy, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
State Optical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 3)
State Technical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Grodno State University, Grodno, Belarus
. (Number of presented reports: 3)
Dagestan State University, Makhachkala, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Yerevan Physical Institute, Yerevan, Armenia
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Ivanovo State University of Chemical Technology, Ivanovo, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Institute of Biophysics, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Institute of Laser Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 4)
Institute of Molecular and Atomic Physics NASB, Minsk, Belarus
. (Number of presented reports: 2)
Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological System SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 15)
Max-Born-Institut fur Nichtlineare Optik und Kurzzeitspektroskopie, Berlin, Germany
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
General Physics Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 9)
V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 32)
Institute of Organic Chemistry NAS, Kiev, Ukraine
. (Number of presented reports: 2)
Institute of Polymer Materials and Technology, Almaty, Kazakhstan
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Institute of Applied Mathematics, Odessa, Ukraine
. (Number of presented reports: 6)
Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Institute of High Current Electronics SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 31)
Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Institute for High Energy Density RAS, Moscow, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 2)
Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 6)
Physical Reseach Institute, Ashtarak-2, Armenia
. (Number of presented reports: 2)
Institute of Petroleum Chemistry SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 3)
Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion of SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 3)
Institute of Electron Physics, Uzhgorod, Ukraine
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Institute of Electrophysics UB RAS, Ekaterinburg, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 2)
Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Beograd, Serbia
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
US Air Force Research Laboratory, Kirtland, USA
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
PHILIPS Research Laboratories, Aachen, Germany
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Kazan State Academy of Architecture and Building Construction, Kazan, Russua
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Kazan State University, Kazan, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Karaganda State University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
. (Number of presented reports: 3)
National University of Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Alameda Applied Sciences Corporation, San Leandro, USA
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Laser Research Center, Tehran, Iran
. (Number of presented reports: 2)
Laser Noth-West Regional Center, St. Petersburg, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Marseille University, Marseille, France
. (Number of presented reports: 2)
Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 2)
Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 2)
Research-Engineering Republican Unitary Enterprise POLYMAG, Minsk, Belarus
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Research Center of Resource Saving Problems NAS of Belarus, Grodno, Belarus
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Science and Production Association "Istok" , Russia, Fryazino, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
GSF-National Research Center for Environment and Health, Neuherberg, Germany
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, India
. (Number of presented reports: 2)
Tsuyama National College of Technology, Tsuyama, Japan
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 2)
Lavochkin Association, Khimki, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Petroleum Chemical Plant, Tomsk, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Joint High Temperature Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 3)
Omsk Station of Young Technicians, Omsk, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Omsk Technical University, Omsk, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 3)
Russian State University for Innovation Technology and Business, WSB, Tomsk, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 8)
Russian Federal Nuclear Center - The All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics, Sarov, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 6)
Russian Scientific Center ”Applied Chemistry”, St. Petersburg, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Ryazan State Radio Engineering University, Ryazan, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Samara branch of the Physical Institute RAS, Samara, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 2)
Siberian Physical Technical Institute, Tomsk, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 24)
Siberian Juristic Institute MIA, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 2)
Tallinn University, Tallinn, Estonia
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Tambov State University, Tambov, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia
. (Number of presented reports: 3)
Technical University of Munich, Garching, Germany
. (Number of presented reports: 4)
University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran
. (Number of presented reports: 2)
State Pedagogical University, Tomsk, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 37)
Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 3)
Tomsk University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics, Tomsk, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 2)
NAUKA L, LLC, Almaty, Kazakhstan
. (Number of presented reports: 3)
Uzhgorod National University, Uzhgorod, Ukraine
. (Number of presented reports: 5)
Uzhgorod National University, Uzhgorod, Ukraine
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Yazd University, Yazd, Iran
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
University of New Orleans, New Orleans, USA
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Université de la Mediterranee, Marseille, France
. (Number of presented reports: 2)
Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
. (Number of presented reports: 2)
Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
DLR Technical Physics Institute, Stuttgart, Germany
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Physical Technical Institute RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Institute of Physics, Tartu, Estonia
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Physical Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 8)
Hyperboloid LLC, NY, USA
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, Сhina
. (Number of presented reports: 2)
Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin, China
. (Number of presented reports: 7)
Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore, India
. (Number of presented reports: 2)
Central Research Institute for Machine Building, Korolev, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute, Pilani, India
. (Number of presented reports: 1)
Chuvash State University, Cheboksary, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 2)
Eindhoven Technical University, Eindhoven, Netherlands
. (Number of presented reports: 2)
South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia
. (Number of presented reports: 2)