Losseva T.V., Golub' A.P., Kosarev I.B., Lyakhov A.N., Chermenin A.V. Ionization of the E-layer of the ionosphere by the radiation of a meteor trail
S.I.Kozlov, T.V.Losseva, S.Z.Bekker, Yu.A.Korsunskaya, B.G.Gavrilov, Goncharov E.S. The comparison of the lower ionosphere responce to the solar X-flares in equilibrium and swarm plasmachemical models
Gavrilov B.G., Poklad Y.V., Rybakov V.A., Rubnov Y.S., Ryakhovskiy I.A. The impact of the thunderstorm on the parameters of propagation of electromagnetic VLF signals