A.Yu. Toptygin, K.G. Gribanov, V.I. Zakharov (Ural State University, Ekaterinburg, Russia), Y. Kasai, A. Kagawa, Y. Murayama (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Tokyo, Japan), R. Imasu (Center for Climate System Research, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan), G.A. Schmidt (NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and Center for Climate System Research, Columbia University, New York, USA), G. Hoffmann, J. Jouzel (Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement, IPSL, Gif sur Yvette, France) Method and results of retrieval of HDO/H2O in atmosphere from IMG/ADEOS and FTIR data Section: Environmental and analytical spectroscopy Reporter:Vyacheslav Zakharov
I.A. Koval, M.A. Koshelev, M.Yu. Tretyakov, L.M. Kukin, L.I. Fedoseev, V.V. Parshin, Yu.A. Dryagin, A.F. Andriyanov (Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia) Temperature dependence of collisional parameters of oxygen line at 118 GHz Section: Spectroscopy of intermolecular interactions in gases Reporter:Ilya Anatolievich Koval
D. Bailly, M. Vervloet (Paris-Sud University, Orsay, France), O. Pirali (FOM Institute for Plasma Physics "Rijnhuizen", Nieuwegein, Netherlands) Fourier Transform spectroscopy in the far infrared region Section: High resolution spectroscopy of molecules, including radicals, ions, complexes Reporter:Denise Bailly
B.V. Perevalov, V.I. Perevalov, S.A. Tashkun (V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia), A. Campargue, D. Romanini, S. Kassi (Université Grenoble Alpes, Saint-Martin-d'Heres, France) CW–Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy of carbon dioxide isotopologues near 1.5 µm Section: High resolution spectroscopy of molecules, including radicals, ions, complexes Reporter:Boris V. Perevalov
M.Yu. Tretyakov, V.V. Parshin, M.A. Koshelev, I.A. Koval, L.M. Kukin, L.I. Fedoseev (Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia) Continuum absorption for H2O–N2 mixture in the 110–170 GHz frequency range Section: Spectroscopy of intermolecular interactions in gases Reporter:Mikhail Yu. Tretyakov
S.A. Tashkun (V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia) High temperature water linelists: intercomparison and validation Section: High resolution spectroscopy of molecules, including radicals, ions, complexes Reporter:Sergei Anatol'evich Tashkun
S.E. Lokshtanov, A.A. Vigasin (General Physics Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia), B. Bussery-Honvault (University of Burgundy - Franche-Comté, Besançon, France) Ab initio simulation of collision-induced intensity in the N2 fundamental Section: Spectroscopy of intermolecular interactions in gases Reporter:Sergey Evgenievich Lokshtanov
V.A. Vasil'ev, A.I. Karapuzikov, I.V. Sherstov (Institute of Laser Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia), V.A. Kapitanov, Yu.N. Ponomarev (V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia) High–sensitive laser opto–acoustic gas–analyzer based on the wave–guide CO2 laser Section: Environmental and analytical spectroscopy Reporter:Yurii N. Ponomarev
A.A. Shapkin, R.V. Galeev, L.N. Gunderova, M.G. Fayzullin, A.H. Mamleev (Institute of Molecule and Crystal Physics RAS, Ufa, Russia) Microwave spectrum and structure of 2-methyl-1,3-dioxane Section: High resolution spectroscopy of molecules, including radicals, ions, complexes Reporter:Anatoliy Aleksandrovich Shapkin
V.N. Markov, I.I. Leonov, G.Yu. Golubiatnikov (Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia) New generation of the RAD spectrometer Section: Experimental techniques and methods of high resolution spectroscopy Reporter:Vladimir N. Markov
I. Klincare, J. Zaharova, M. Tamanis, R. Ferber (Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia), A.V. Stolyarov, E.A. Pazyuk, A. Zaitsevskii (Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia) Radiative lifetimes of the NaCs G(3)1П state: Experiment and theory Section: Spectroscopic aspects of intramolecular dynamics and photodissociation Reporter:Ilze Klincare
S.L. Malyugin, T.Yu. Moskalev, A.I. Nadezhdinskii, D.Yu. Namestnikov, Ya.Ya. Ponurovskii, D.B. Stavrovskii (General Physics Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia) Selective adsorption of orto and para spin–isomers of water detected via TDLS Section: Environmental and analytical spectroscopy Reporter:Dmitry Borisovich Stavrovskii
A.V. Lapinov, G.Yu. Golubiatnikov, V.N. Markov (Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia), A. Guarnieri (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany) Accurate rest frequencies of HNCO in the ground vibrational state Section: High resolution spectroscopy of molecules, including radicals, ions, complexes Reporter:Alexander Vladimirovich Lapinov
N.A. Zvereva-Loëte (Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France), J. Demaison (Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, Lille, France), H.D. Rudolph (University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany) Ab initio anharmonic force field and equilibrium structure of vinyl bromide Section: Theory of molecular systems and computational methods
T.M. Petrova, L.N. Sinitsa, A.M. Solodov (V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia) ICL–spectroscopy of molecules excited in laser spark Section: Experimental techniques and methods of high resolution spectroscopy Reporter:Tatiana M. Petrova
A.V. Kirsanov, A.M. Kiselev, A.N. Stepanov (Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia), Yu.N. Ponomarev, A.B. Tikhomirov, B.A. Tikhomirov (V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia) Nonlinear absorption of power femtosecond radiation by molecular gases and air Section: Environmental and analytical spectroscopy Reporter:Boris A. Tikhomirov
A.V. Burenin (Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia) On the physical meaning of the molecular point group Section: Theory of molecular systems and computational methods Reporter:Alexander Valentinovich Burenin